Diamond Jewelry Store

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Celebrate Your Love with Loose Diamonds

If you were born in April, then your birthstone is diamond. Not only can you use this to your advantage when asking for Christmas or birthday presents, but for the rest of your life you can expect to receive loose diamonds from people who are close to you. Eventually you will have enough to make a glorious piece of jewelry you can pass down to your children.
certified loose diamonds memphis
Your local jeweler always has a great selection of certified loose diamonds for you to peruse. Ranging from all prices to all grades, these diamonds are the perfect gift for that special lady in your life. Choose a unique gift and show her just how much you love her with a special piece of jewelry from her favorite store. Diamonds are reserved for people who truly care for one another. They are the epitome of love and romance, so they make the perfect gift forever.

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Will Cubic Zirconia Work For Your Lady?

Every man panics at the thought of purchasing an engagement ring for his special lady. There is no need to panic though. No matter what your budget is, there are plenty of options. If your gal is a bit on the funky side with an eccentric personality, then the sky is the limit as to what kind of ring you present when proposing marriage. If she is a more traditional kind of woman, then you would want to stick with the classic diamond. If you are going to go with a diamond, and your budget is tight, there is always the option of substituting a Cubic Zirconia.loose-diamondsThis man-made stone is the most perfect replica of a real diamond. They have similar properties, except the Cubic Zirconia is a flawless version of a diamond. Since most people in the world cannot afford a real, flawless diamond, this is an economical substitution. The wonderful thing about this man-made gem is that to the naked eye you cannot tell that it is a fake! You would need a professional jeweler and his tools to be able to tell that it is not a real diamond. So, if you think your lady trusts you and knows that it is the commitment that matters, then you can save yourself a little money.

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Choosing From the Most Popular Diamond Shapes

When people think about diamonds, they tend to dwell on one or two shapes. It is true that the most popular shape of diamonds these days account for almost seventy five percent of what is being sold. However, the most popular diamond shapes have constantly been changing throughout the years.

The most popular cut today is the round cut diamond. On account of its shape and the angles that have been cut into it, it is one of the most explosive looking styles when it comes to brilliance and shine. It, along with the princess cut, also tends to be the most versatile in regards to the styles of rings with which they work. Because of this, they are the most popular choice for engagement rings, which explains why they have so much of the market.


Two hundred years ago, it was the cushion cut diamond that ranked as one of the most popular diamond shapes. In fact for the first century it was around, it held a market share similar today to that of round cut diamonds. Some of the other shapes and cuts that have remained popular are oval cuts, which give the impression of being larger, and classic styles, such as emerald cut and marquis cut.

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Loose Diamonds: An Investment worth Looking Into

It’s a tricky time to be a financial adviser. True, there has never been anything that was a rock solid guarantee when it comes to predicting how an investment is going to perform. Even the simple act of opening a basic passport savings account at a local bank is only as good as the health of the bank. But today it seems even far more complicated. Depending on what kind of financial indicators you are watching, our economy is either the best it has been in five years or is still sloughing its way deeper into the muck. With such conflicting impressions, deciding where to invest your money is no easy task. That is why I have a suggestion that you might say is outside the box. I am talking, of course, about loose diamonds.loose-diamonds

There is nothing that performs with such alarming consistency like precious metals and jewels. You probably have picked up some indication of that by seeing the proliferation of stores that offer to buy your used gold or seen the commercials for internet sites that promise the same thing. There is a reason that you don’t see many (if any) stores offering the same concept for loose diamonds. The reason for that is simple, though, once you think about it. If you were to have a look through your jewelry collection, there is going to be a lot of gold and silver, and certainly some diamonds most likely, but those diamonds are not going to be loose ones. Rather, they are going to already be set in something.
That is going to change in time, however, because there is a slowly but steadily growing presence of jewelers offering unset diamonds for sale.

This trend did not come about as an investment concern, at least not in the way that we are talking about it now. It started off because of the growing number of people who were returning to the artisan trade of being fine craftsmen, expressing their artistic ability by working with precious metals and fine jewelry. And the jewelers realized that could actually obtain the materials separately, have the jewelry designed in house, and spend less money than buying mass produced pieces. The market for loose diamonds as an investment was mostly an afterthought, but the value of Loose Diamonds is always rising, and unlike other investments, like stocks, bonds, C.D.’s, etc., that only serve one purpose, the diamonds you buy can either strictly be an investment, or you can eventually use them to create your own design of dazzling jewelry.

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