Diamond Jewelry Store

Loose Diamonds: More Information Than You Knew

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There are many precious gemstones in the world. We all have seen many of them located in the jewelry stores we wander into hoping to add to our collection. Probably the most gorgeous and sought after of all of the stunning gemstones on earth are loose diamonds. These little stones are just amazing and are very much a part of our culture. They make very romantic gifts, are used in bridal jewelry and you can bet on the fact that if someone ever gives you one, they love you more than anything!

Loose diamonds and certified loose diamonds can be found in any jewelry store you visit. Most of the time, they are already mounted in a setting like earrings, engagement rings, pendants or bracelets. Before they were placed into these settings, though, they were deep within the earth, under our feet just waiting to be discovered by mankind. See, what you may not know about diamonds is that they are one hundred percent naturally made by our wonderful planet.

Loose diamonds begin their lives as carbon atoms. Who would have thought a measly carbon atom could result in something so beautiful? These carbon atoms exist about one hundred miles beneath our feet where there is extreme heat and pressure. No living being could survive these conditions, but the carbon atoms do! They all bond together in a lattice-like structure that makes them extremely hard and durable. This is so they can survive these conditions and make it out alive! They are referred to as rough diamonds at this point because they form an outer shell around them that protects what is inside: a stunning loose diamond. You may have seen diamonds of different colors and are wondering how this is so. Depending on the other elements around the carbon atoms under the earth, this will change the color of the end result.

You may also be wondering how these stones get from being so far into the earth to the surface. The answer is volcanic eruption. These eruptions thrust the loose diamond toward the earth’s surface and eventually, professional diamond miners will dig for them and find them. The stones will then be cut and polished into the stunning beauties you see in your local jewelry store for you to enjoy for many years. Thank Mother Nature the next time you think about it for granting us these spectacular little gems!

Author: kingfinejewelery

Like diamond jewelry, pearl rings are considered timeless pieces. Affordable pearl rings allow you to incorporate this classic appeal into your ensemble without breaking the bank.

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