Diamond Jewelry Store

Choosing From the Most Popular Diamond Shapes

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When people think about diamonds, they tend to dwell on one or two shapes. It is true that the most popular shape of diamonds these days account for almost seventy five percent of what is being sold. However, the most popular diamond shapes have constantly been changing throughout the years.

The most popular cut today is the round cut diamond. On account of its shape and the angles that have been cut into it, it is one of the most explosive looking styles when it comes to brilliance and shine. It, along with the princess cut, also tends to be the most versatile in regards to the styles of rings with which they work. Because of this, they are the most popular choice for engagement rings, which explains why they have so much of the market.


Two hundred years ago, it was the cushion cut diamond that ranked as one of the most popular diamond shapes. In fact for the first century it was around, it held a market share similar today to that of round cut diamonds. Some of the other shapes and cuts that have remained popular are oval cuts, which give the impression of being larger, and classic styles, such as emerald cut and marquis cut.

Author: kingfinejewelery

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